12 Mar 2025


Aureal Vortex Gameport Interface Modem Driver

Company: Aureal
Model: Vortex Gameport Interface
Operating System:   (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: w951140eng_drv.zip


Aureal Vortex Gameport Interface Driver.  
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 122880 03-20-98 02:21 A3DSplsh.exe 10262 03-20-98 02:21 A3D.vxd 537644 03-20-98 02:21 a3dsplh.wav 550082 03-20-98 02:21 a3dspls.wav 171008 03-20-98 02:21 a3d.dll 5817 06-08-98 13:06 ASP4APPY.VXD 25450 06-02-98 14:55 asp4comm.inf 222929 06-08-98 13:56 ASP4CORE.VXD 121344 06-08-98 13:59 Asp4Cpl.cpl 243712 06-08-98 14:00 Asp4CPl.exe 4926 01-21-98 18:35 ASP4CPL1.HLP 5656 03-19-98 20:13 ASP4CPL2.HLP 5050 01-26-98 21:29 ASP4CPL3.HLP 4170 01-21-98 18:35 asp4cpl4.hlp 37151 03-31-98 03:29 ASP4DOS.COM 15533 06-08-98 13:03 ASP4INIT.VXD 8369 06-08-98 13:03 ASP4JOYS.VXD 8704 06-08-98 13:13 asp4midi.drv 23733 06-08-98 13:12 ASP4MIDI.VXD 7776 06-08-98 13:17 Asp4Mix.drv 76494 06-08-98 21:17 Asp4Mix.VXD 42545 06-03-98 12:03 asp4mmed.inf 7372 06-15-98 12:59 asp4mult.inf 2978 06-02-98 14:55 asp4port.inf 19685 06-08-98 13:03 ASP4PORT.VXD 67805 06-08-98 13:04 ASP4SBFM.VXD 258048 06-08-98 13:59 Asp4Setp.exe 258048 06-08-98 13:59 Asp4Setp.tmp 2560 06-02-98 13:27 ASP4THRU.DLL 202240 06-08-98 14:00 Asp4Tray.exe 8784 06-08-98 13:15 asp4wave.drv 125487 06-08-98 13:15 Asp4Wave.vxd 6656 06-08-98 13:14 asp4wt.drv 156367 06-08-98 13:14 ASP4WT.VXD 43520 06-08-98 14:01 AuM42Loc.dll 4443622 10-27-97 14:35 aurealgm 440 06-10-98 15:35 version.txt 23548 06-16-98 19:50 readme.txt -------- ---- 7878395 38 files

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