Model: ECOM EM-56HaM,Intel HaM Data Fax Voice Modem
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
Shenzhen Longway Electronic Co., ECOM EM-56HaM,Intel HaM Data Fax Voice Modem Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
76 06-29-99 22:14 Win2k/
365853 10-06-00 20:10 Win2k/ham50.sys
417792 09-01-00 23:06 Win2k/HaM Win2000 install1.0.doc
38593 10-27-00 19:31 Win2k/mdmham50.inf
49152 03-24-00 18:32 Win2k/migrate.dll
76 06-29-99 22:14 Nt40/
337488 10-11-00 00:07 Nt40/ham.sys
365853 10-06-00 20:10 Nt40/ham50.sys
140288 09-01-00 23:04 Nt40/HaM NT4 install1.0.doc
33795 09-29-00 14:21 Nt40/hamtool.exe
49667 09-29-00 14:21 Nt40/installer.exe
36213 10-27-00 20:53 Nt40/Mdmham40.inf
38593 10-27-00 20:55 Nt40/mdmham50.inf
121078 04-27-00 17:43 Nt40/setup.bmp
76 09-04-99 00:29 Win9x/
177152 09-05-00 22:08 Win9x/hamcpl.cpl
70147 10-06-00 22:05 Win9x/hampanel.exe
557272 10-06-00 20:05 Win9x/HAMPORT.VXD
265 09-04-99 00:29 Win9x/hamrmcpl
7909 12-22-99 17:18 Win9x/hamrmdev.exe
1867 10-27-00 19:23 Win9x/hamserwv.inf
20617 09-05-00 22:11 Win9x/HAM_DBS.VXD
4365 09-05-00 21:31 Win9x/LICENSE.TXT
42431 10-27-00 19:21 Win9x/mdmham.inf
5697 01-13-00 15:29 Win9x/README.TXT
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2882315 25 files