Model: ISIHI_HP V.110 async
Operating System: (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: 303win40.exe
MultiTech Systems ISIHI_HP V.110 async Driver.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
6150 10-02-00 19:06 ISI3334.CAT
20230 03-16-01 09:22 OEMSETUP.INF
11083 03-16-01 10:17 README.TXT
159744 12-05-00 11:49 MYSETUP.EXE
6150 10-02-00 19:07 ISIPCI8.CAT
6510 10-02-00 19:07 ISIHITA.CAT
6152 10-02-00 19:06 ISIHIMDM.CAT
53416 03-16-01 19:25 isiCOM.sys
36431 09-21-00 11:06 ISIHIMDM.INF
10307 09-21-00 11:06 ISIHITA.INF
47775 09-21-00 11:06 ISIPCI8.INF
7497 04-21-00 11:44 ISI4616.BIN
7325 04-21-00 11:28 ISI4608.BIN
15198 04-19-00 14:43 ISI3334.INF
6757 01-12-98 09:49 ISI616EM.BIN
6725 10-07-97 16:33 ISI608EM.BIN
6337 11-24-94 23:04 ISI608.BIN
-------- ----
413787 17 files