31 Mar 2025


Diamond Multimedia SUP2920 Modem Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: SUP2920
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: HCFu_WinXP.zip


Diamond Multimedia SUP2920 Driver. This is a generic driver for modems that are using the Conexant chipset. Diamond Multimedia's SupraMax 56K USB V.90 is using this chipset. This means, this driver will work on this modem and has been proven as I have tried it on my Windows XP OS. Unzip the file and read the "Readme" file and just follow the instructions for installation. Since, this driver is specifically for V.92, you will need to add an INIT STRING to force the driver to work on V.90 protocol.

First, go to Control Panel... Phone & Modem Option... click Modems... Properties... then, Advance... here, you'll see "Extra Settings".. you need to type-in the string in All Caps


Try it out!! Good Luck!!

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 23 12-17-99 11:33 DISK1 11562 08-23-01 11:09 HSFINST.DLL 262144 11-26-01 18:00 HXFsetup.exe 57344 10-22-01 14:37 MdmXSdk.dll 9855 10-22-01 14:46 MDMXSDK.SYS 1218 12-14-01 09:36 README.TXT 173262 01-16-02 14:33 USBgen.CTY 172772 01-16-02 14:32 USBgen2.CTY 24 10-15-99 16:19 USBgen2K.CAT 19706 01-16-02 14:26 USBgen2K.INF 24 10-15-99 16:19 USBgenK.CAT 20602 01-16-02 14:21 USBgenK.INF 172828 01-16-02 16:30 USBsgen.CTY 24 11-10-99 13:11 USBsgenK.CAT 19838 01-16-02 16:30 USBsgenk.INF 933818 12-14-01 18:22 WINACUSB.SYS -------- ---- 1855044 16 files

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