28 Feb 2025


Conexant FB WS-5614PM3C Modem Driver

Company: Conexant
Model: FB WS-5614PM3C
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: W95.zip


Conexant FB WS-5614PM3C Driver. [FCCID=409TAl-27413-M5-E] I copied these drivers directly off the modem drivers CD.On the CD it says=[WIN 95 OSR2].All the files are there.Conexant used to be owned by Rockwell.I know what a bitch it is getting support sometimes,hope this makes it easier for someone else
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 144067 03-23-99 22:55 W95/AMOS.VXD 49343 03-24-99 17:00 W95/BASIC2.VXD 233167 03-23-99 22:55 W95/FALLBACK.VXD 213160 03-24-99 17:02 W95/FAX.VXD 90271 03-23-99 22:55 W95/FSKS.VXD 135888 01-19-99 21:27 W95/hcfcsa.dll 127488 11-24-98 03:50 W95/hcfcsa32.dll 18542 03-23-99 21:13 W95/hcfpnp.vxd 161792 12-15-98 12:33 W95/hcfreadr.dll 17214 05-06-99 14:35 W95/hsfdfs.cty 22545 04-26-99 11:09 W95/HsfDFS.inf 2788 04-20-99 12:05 W95/HsfDFSen.inf 51168 05-06-99 16:10 W95/hsfdfsW.cty 2792 04-20-99 11:57 W95/HsfDFSenW.inf 21473 04-26-99 11:10 W95/HsfDFV.inf 2858 04-20-99 11:39 W95/HsfDFVen.inf 51147 05-06-99 15:59 W95/hsfdfvW.cty 2862 04-20-99 12:02 W95/HsfDFVenW.inf 48640 01-13-99 15:55 W95/infunist.exe 401584 03-24-99 17:02 W95/k56.vxd 30720 03-23-99 22:57 W95/modctrl.dll 13005 03-23-99 22:56 W95/modctrl.vxd 32467 03-23-99 22:55 W95/rksample.vxd 17012 03-23-99 21:13 W95/ROKKMOSD.VXD 97285 03-21-99 11:26 W95/rokv42.vxd 83155 03-23-99 22:55 W95/spkphone.vxd 52390 03-23-99 22:56 W95/TONES.VXD 10624 01-04-99 23:03 W95/turbovbf.vxd 15371 01-04-99 23:03 W95/turbovcd.vxd 456351 03-23-99 22:56 W95/V124.VXD 1453 01-05-99 17:20 W95/wacwave.inf 438892 03-23-99 22:49 W95/win95ac.vxd 514268 05-10-99 11:00 W95/MANUALS/English.pdf -------- ---- 3561782 33 files

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