12 Mar 2025


ComboTech combotech combotech 2000 Modem Driver

Company: ComboTech
Model: combotech combotech 2000
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: combotech_98se.zip


ComboTech combotech combotech 2000 Driver. 98 and 98se it will not work on any other o/s.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 641546 10-04-99 16:02 mtlstrm.vx_ 42502 10-27-99 12:03 mdmalsmo.inf 79007 10-04-99 16:02 mtlfax.vx_ 46367 10-04-99 16:02 mtlhal.vx_ 30609 10-04-99 16:02 mtlmdm.vx_ 17230 10-04-99 16:02 mtlport.vx_ 67290 10-04-99 16:03 ALS300MO.VXD 967 10-04-99 16:02 RMDRV.PIF 111616 10-04-99 16:02 slclean.ex_ 847 10-04-99 16:03 slclean.ini 9337 10-04-99 16:02 slld.vx_ 153090 10-04-99 16:02 sllights.ex_ 3961 10-04-99 16:02 sllights.ini 26691 10-04-99 16:02 smcfg.ex_ 30159 10-04-99 16:02 smprop32.dl_ 13971 10-04-99 16:02 smproppg.dl_ 34125 10-04-99 16:02 testinst.ex_ 161195 10-04-99 16:02 v90drv.vx_ -------- ---- 1470510 18 files

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