12 Mar 2025


Diamond Technologies, Inc. 23020041-401 Modem Driver

Company: Diamond Technologies, Inc.
Model: 23020041-401
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ss_whql_95204.exe


Diamond Technologies, Inc. 23020041-401 Driver. I beleive this will work with Win95, win98 maybe even 2000 and XP
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 25106 11-16-98 22:49 vgartd.vxd 24064 03-16-98 04:53 thunk32.dll 36804 08-24-98 01:43 thunk16.dll 3207 11-16-98 14:49 setupw98.in 3209 11-16-98 14:49 setupw95.in 2056 02-09-99 13:44 readme.txt 4030 02-09-99 13:43 readme.rtf 558592 09-01-98 07:32 install.exe 36640 11-26-97 05:31 inst16.exe 204 05-19-98 14:15 company.ini 277776 11-13-98 00:27 MSVCRT.DLL 1469 11-12-98 16:27 INDEX.HTM 7393 11-02-98 15:39 incontrl.in 48904 11-12-98 16:29 ICT98.HLP 24390 11-12-98 16:27 HHP.GIF 223232 11-12-98 17:59 dmshcut.dll 136192 11-12-98 17:58 dmpopup.dll 57856 11-12-98 18:08 dminfo.dll 5352 11-12-98 17:51 dmict98.vxd 15872 11-12-98 17:57 dmhkey.exe 59904 11-12-98 17:57 dmdsktop.dll 233472 11-12-98 18:06 dmdisp.dll 146784 11-12-98 16:27 dmdesk98.dll 242688 11-12-98 17:56 dmcenter.exe 47104 11-12-98 17:58 dmabout.dll 130274 11-12-98 16:27 dmabout.avi 45056 11-12-98 17:37 _dmshcut.ENU 59392 11-12-98 17:37 _dmpopup.ENU 39424 11-12-98 18:08 _dminfo.ENU 16896 11-12-98 17:36 _dmdsktp.ENU 101888 11-12-98 18:05 _dmdisp.ENU 36864 11-12-98 17:36 _dmabout.ENU 5056 12-11-98 13:54 dmssDs16.dll 130048 12-11-98 20:23 DMSSA70x.DLL 30335 12-11-98 13:54 DMSSA70.VXD 10595 11-17-98 00:25 DMSSA70.inf 161232 12-11-98 13:54 DMSSA70.drv 10848 12-11-98 13:54 DMSSA70.DLL 25088 12-11-98 13:54 dmict32.dll 7680 12-11-98 13:54 dmict16.dll 216576 12-11-98 13:54 DMICM.DLL 165888 12-11-98 13:54 dmctvt.dll 34816 11-13-98 01:39 _DMICM.ENU 111104 11-16-98 23:01 _dmctvt.ENU 130 02-09-99 13:42 ss95204.txt -------- ---- 3561490 45 files

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