31 Mar 2025


PC Tel pct789t-c1 Modem Driver

Company: PC Tel
Model: pct789t-c1
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: HSP_UniDriverSoftware_WinME.zip


PC Tel pct789t-c1 Driver. First unzip the file.Then put in your modem.When Windows start the wizard select the folder where you unzipped the file.Wait until Windows is ready and you're done!

Good Luck

With me it works.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 36 06-05-00 18:18 MDMCHIPV.CAT 38785 07-23-03 18:22 MDMCHIPV.INF 98492 07-17-03 13:01 pctvoice.ex_ 36 06-05-00 18:18 PCTWDM.CAT 5756 07-23-03 18:23 Pctwdm.inf 62164 07-17-03 12:59 ptdll16.dll 94208 07-17-03 13:00 ptdll32.dll 170722 07-17-03 14:19 ptserial.sy_ 131072 07-17-03 13:00 ptuninst.exe 311296 06-24-03 16:47 PV92Tray.ex_ 125440 06-24-03 14:59 runpct.exe 340799 07-17-03 14:18 vmodem.sy_ 339558 07-17-03 14:17 vpctcom.sy_ 33290 07-17-03 14:18 vvoice.sy_ 3404 08-22-03 16:09 Unidriver 0018.TXT -------- ---- 1755058 15 files

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