12 Mar 2025


Sony Electronics Conexant-Ambit AC-Link Modem Driver Modem Driver

Company: Sony Electronics
Model: Conexant-Ambit AC-Link Modem Driver
Operating System: Windows 2000 Professional (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: SonyConexant-AmbitAC-LinkModemDriverforWindows2000.zip


Sony Electronics Conexant-Ambit AC-Link Modem Driver Driver. Conexant-Ambit SoftK56 Data,Fax ICH Modem Driver or Conexant-Ambit® AC-Link Modem Driver (or whatever else Sony wants to call it towards the future) for Sony Vaio PCG-FR100 (and possible other Sony models).

For Windows 2000 Professional ONLY!!!

This driver is from Connexant and works with the Sony Vaio specified above.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 65536 03-19-03 15:00 CARPDLL.DLL 4608 03-19-03 15:00 carpserv.exe 256879 03-19-03 15:01 CNXCsr.cty 622592 03-19-03 14:56 HSF_CNXT.sys 1107072 03-19-03 14:54 HSF_DP.sys 27786 10-29-02 18:33 HSFCI005.dll 161024 03-19-03 15:01 HSFHWALI.sys 164864 03-19-03 15:01 HSFHWICH.sys 156672 03-19-03 15:01 HSFHWSIS.sys 159616 03-19-03 15:01 HSFHWVIA.sys 479232 11-12-02 21:59 HXFSetup.exe 69632 12-11-02 09:49 MdmXSdk.dll 11044 12-11-02 11:22 MDMXSDK.sys 22400 03-19-03 15:00 STRMDISP.SYS 52153 04-05-02 21:18 UCMNCM5.inf 27 03-19-03 15:01 UCORCM5.cat 3223 04-21-03 15:55 AC97HSF_Win2K_rm.txt -------- ---- 3364360 17 files

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