12 Mar 2025


Efficient Networks, Inc. Efficient/SpeedStream 5200 ver\4.2.2 Modem Driver

Company: Efficient Networks, Inc.
Model: Efficient/SpeedStream 5200 ver\4.2.2
Operating System: Windows 95a (osr1) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Efficient5200v4.2.2.122HiSpeedModem.exe


Efficient Networks, Inc. Efficient/SpeedStream 5200 ver\4.2.2 Driver. For DSL-phone Hi-speed Modems.

Works well for any Windows OS from 95 on,Win98/SE the best of all.

Complete installation package,

all you need is the Proper Hardware.

Found,used&Uploaded in Nov/03.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 118784 10-28-02 15:19 setup/defdel.exe 155648 10-28-02 15:19 setup/ClearMB.exe 122880 10-28-02 15:19 setup/EnCmnSvr.exe 241664 10-28-02 15:19 setup/bohica.dll 159744 10-28-02 15:19 setup/csshim.dll 139264 10-28-02 15:19 setup/enicommon.dll 29 10-28-02 15:19 setup/enicommon.ini 49296 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efnt16.dll 32768 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efnt32.dll 122880 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efntnio.dll 122880 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efntos.dll 155648 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efntos2k.dll 147456 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efntos9x.dll 163840 10-28-02 15:19 setup/efntsw.dll 17847 10-28-02 15:19 setup/clean1x.ini 41671 10-28-02 15:19 setup/ssinst.inf 163840 10-28-02 15:19 setup/enisnmp.dll 159744 10-28-02 15:19 setup/l2xpdrv.dll 155648 10-28-02 15:19 setup/prox.dll 65536 10-28-02 15:19 setup/bcr.exe 24 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/e5667e.cat 24 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/e5667u.cat 15332 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/vvbeth.sys 15309 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/vvbetht.sys 50934 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/vvpciusb.sys 7651 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/vvbuse.efn 5683 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/vvbusu.efn 50911 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/vvbususb.sys 3837 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/netex40.efn 26381 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/drivers/enethusb.sys 45 10-28-02 15:19 ssdsl3x/sysreg.ini 23560 10-28-02 15:19 enclss16.dll 49152 10-28-02 15:19 enclss32.dll 9 10-28-02 15:19 EfntID.Tag 3885 10-28-02 15:19 eniinst.inf 3743744 10-28-02 15:19 setup.exe 35438 10-28-02 15:19 license.rtf 91600 10-28-02 15:19 license0c0c.rtf 41 10-28-02 15:19 autorun.inf 21 10-25-02 16:16 eni.txt -------- ---- 6460648 40 files

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