12 Mar 2025


Smart 56PSV-R Modem Driver

Company: Smart
Model: 56PSV-R
Operating System: Windows 95b (osr2) (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 56psv-r.zip


Smart 56PSV-R Driver. SMARTLINK PCI56k Voice Modem (V90) internal, with SL1800 chip.

As sold here in the UK at Time/Computer World.

This is the complete driver package on the original 'Artec' CD for M$ Windoze versions 9x,NT,ME,2K and XP.


Unzip to a new folder using winzip, pkunzip or winrar etc. then select the subfolder applicable to your OS.

This modem prefers high irqs (10, 11, 12).

For a correct install a globe symbol should appear in the control panel giving access to modem tune-up options.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 34 08-28-02 23:55 WIN9x/mdmslamr.cat 49724 09-25-02 18:25 WIN9x/mdmslamr.inf 87501 09-11-02 21:07 WIN9x/mtlfax.vx_ 50516 09-25-02 16:30 WIN9x/mtlhal.vx_ 39699 09-25-02 17:11 WIN9x/mtlmdm.vx_ 17306 09-25-02 17:11 WIN9x/mtlport.vx_ 743373 09-25-02 16:55 WIN9x/mtlstrm.vx_ 865 09-25-02 18:25 WIN9x/Options.scp 13648 10-06-02 13:26 WIN9x/readme.txt 1330620 09-25-02 18:24 WIN9x/setup.cab 323584 09-25-02 18:01 WIN9x/Setup.exe 42849 09-25-02 18:25 WIN9x/Setup.scp 161166 09-25-02 16:17 WIN9x/slamr.vx_ 1567 09-25-02 18:25 WIN9x/slamrwd.inf 97091 09-25-02 17:52 WIN9x/slextspk.dl_ 92667 09-25-02 17:36 WIN9x/slgen.dl_ 9429 09-25-02 17:15 WIN9x/slld.vx_ 11300 09-25-02 17:15 WIN9x/slrundll.ex_ 28159 09-25-02 18:25 WINME/amrmw.inf 34 08-28-02 23:55 WINME/mdmslamr.cat 60544 09-25-02 18:25 WINME/mdmslamr.inf 98320 09-25-02 17:15 WINME/mtlmnt5.sy_ 715590 09-25-02 16:58 WINME/mtlstrm.sy_ 89089 09-11-02 21:08 WINME/ntmtlfax.sy_ 865 09-25-02 18:25 WINME/Options.scp 13655 10-06-02 13:26 WINME/readme.txt 1346360 09-25-02 18:24 WINME/setup.cab 323584 09-25-02 18:01 WINME/Setup.exe 42946 09-25-02 18:25 WINME/Setup.scp 97091 09-25-02 17:52 WINME/slextspk.dl_ 92667 09-25-02 17:36 WINME/slgen.dl_ 227442 09-25-02 16:27 WINME/slntamr.sy_ 51198 09-25-02 16:31 WINME/slnthal.sy_ 11300 09-25-02 17:15 WINME/slrundll.ex_ 19138 09-25-02 16:27 WINME/slwdmhlp.sy_ 2557448 09-25-02 18:28 WINNT4/rel/data.z 2 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/DISK1.ID 129536 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/ISDBGN.DLL 46441 09-25-02 18:28 WINNT4/rel/mdmslamr.inf 83 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/PARAMS.INI 12415 10-03-02 14:05 WINNT4/rel/readme.txt 122 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/SETUP.BMP 47616 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/SETUP.EXE 48 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/SETUP.INI 62640 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/SETUP.INS 443 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/setup.pkg 283648 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/UNINST.EXE 306748 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/_INST32I.EX_ 8192 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/_ISDEL.EXE 10752 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/_SETUP.DLL 43958 08-28-02 23:55 WINNT4/rel/_SETUP.LIB 12313 06-09-02 14:45 WINXP2K/mdmhamrw.cat 25751 05-21-02 12:14 WINXP2K/mdmhamrw.inf 775 04-08-02 16:24 WINXP2K/Options.scp 11792 04-08-02 16:45 WINXP2K/readme.txt 1302681 05-05-02 19:25 WINXP2K/setup.cab 286720 05-05-02 18:50 WINXP2K/Setup.exe 42744 05-20-02 15:17 WINXP2K/Setup.scp 1051173 05-20-02 14:50 WINXP2K/slamr.cab -------- ---- 12534962 59 files

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