28 Feb 2025


US Robotics USR5600 Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: USR5600
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: USR5600_2K_XP.exe


US Robotics USR5600 Driver. USR5600 (005600-00) PCI Software Modem

Windows XP Installation files

Download the USR5600_2K_XP.exe file to a temporary location on your computer's hard disk drive.

Double-click the file in Windows Explorer and the file will self extract to a folder named C:\USR\USR5600.

Your modem will install with a default driver in Windows XP, and needs to be updated from the Device Manager.

Right-click My Computer, select Properties, select Hardware, and select Device Manager.

From the Device Manager window, double-click Modems, and right-click on the default U.S. Robotics 56K Fax Host Int entry. You will then be instructed to select the updated driver. The Hardware Update Wizard will begin.

Select Install from a list or specific location(Advanced). Click Next.

In the Please choose your search and installation options window, select Don't search. I will choose the driver to install and click Next. Windows will show you the current driver that is installed for the modem.

Make sure U.S. Robotics 56K Fax Host Int is selected and click Have Disk.

Click Browse to point to: C:\USR\USR5600.

Make sure usrf14k.inf is selected and click Open.

Click OK.

Click Next.

Click Finish.

Restart your computer.

Note: Minimum system requirements to run this file are at least a Pentium 200 with MMX.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 245760 06-01-01 23:00 HXFSetup.exe 76610 10-04-01 13:40 BASIC2.SYS 27 10-11-98 01:23 disk1 308979 10-04-01 13:55 Fallback.sys 215227 10-04-01 14:06 FaxNT.sys 124189 10-04-01 14:12 FSKsNT.sys 585792 10-04-01 14:24 HSF_MDM.sys 11562 07-15-01 19:32 hsfinst.dll 170429 10-04-01 13:14 AmosNT.sys 427471 10-04-01 14:16 K56NT.SYS 67222 10-04-01 13:39 RKSAMPLE.SYS 48046 10-04-01 13:05 Soar.sys 59407 10-04-01 13:58 TonesNT.sys 6434 08-08-01 19:07 usr2f14.cty 22 02-02-01 17:51 usr2f14k.cat 29769 10-12-01 12:55 usr2f14k.inf 540157 10-04-01 13:37 V124NT.SYS -------- ---- 2917103 17 files

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