28 Feb 2025


US Robotics USR5699B Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: USR5699B
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: USR5699B_2K_XP.exe


US Robotics USR5699B Driver. USR5699B, USR215699B 56K PCI Faxmodem for Windows

Windows 2000

This file only works on computers running Windows 2000 with the USR5699B PCI Faxmodem. Double-click the file in Windows Explorer and it will prompt to self extract all files into the folder named C:\USR\5699B. You will need 1.16Mb of free space on your hard disk dirve. Direct Windows 2000 to the C:\USR\5699B folder when prompted for drivers. This file should not be used with any other product.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 19697 05-17-02 15:43 probedis.ex_ 177927 05-17-02 20:38 3c1807.sy_ 109661 05-17-02 15:21 3c1807pd.sy_ 26394 05-17-02 15:31 3c1807vp.dl_ 29768 05-17-02 15:42 3ccntry.dl_ 79770 05-17-02 15:30 3cdp1807.dl_ 168780 05-17-02 20:37 3cdte.dl_ 49565 05-17-02 15:31 3cfax.dl_ 28350 05-17-02 15:31 3clbv.dl_ 70576 05-17-02 15:42 3cmdmmgr.dl_ 35761 05-17-02 15:42 3cmlink.ex_ 32786 05-17-02 15:22 3crtos.dl_ 28030 05-17-02 15:23 3csdpi.dl_ 24639 05-17-02 15:40 3cshtdwn.ex_ 25482 05-17-02 15:25 3csvpi.dl_ 25647 05-17-02 15:28 3cv42.dl_ 30421 05-17-02 15:28 3cv80.dl_ 26774 05-17-02 15:29 3cvoice.dl_ 26389 05-17-02 15:40 3cwdmco.dl_ 724 04-22-02 15:47 gvadwmdm.cn_ 158279 04-22-02 15:44 gvadwmdm.hl_ 4522 05-17-02 17:08 oslib.sy_ 19269 05-22-02 18:18 1807Xp2k.inf -------- ---- 1199211 23 files

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