12 Mar 2025


Agere systems TOSHIBA Software Modem, Agere Modem Driver, LT Windows modem with ISA PnP (or) PCI chip - Data+Fax+Voice+Dsvd, Agere WDM Modem Enumerator, WDM Modem Enumerator, Agere Systems Soft Modem, Agere Systems HDA Modem, Agere Systems AC'97 Modem Modem Driver

Company: Agere systems
Model: TOSHIBA Software Modem, Agere Modem Driver, LT Windows modem with ISA PnP (or) PCI chip - Data+Fax+Voice+Dsvd, Agere WDM Modem Enumerator, WDM Modem Enumerator, Agere Systems Soft Modem, Agere Systems HDA Modem, Agere Systems AC'97 Modem
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Agere_Modem_Win95__Win98__WinME__Win2000__WinXP__Win2003__WinVista__WinNT4.zip


Agere systems TOSHIBA Software Modem, Agere Modem Driver, LT Windows modem with ISA PnP (or) PCI chip - Data+Fax+Voice+Dsvd, Agere WDM Modem Enumerator, WDM Modem Enumerator, Agere Systems Soft Modem, Agere Systems HDA Modem, Agere Systems AC'97 Modem Driver. Ah, oi!

Este é o driver para os Modens da Agere, todos os modelos (ALL MODELS), e funcionou muito bem no Pentium II que tinha lá na minha escola '-'

Bem, espero que funcione pra vocês também.


Eduardo Mozart

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