12 Mar 2025


Zoom 2990 Modem Driver

Company: Zoom
Model: 2990
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 2990.EXE


Zoom 2990 Driver. V.90, Dualmode mini faxmodem model 2990. This file is for use with Windows 98 and W2000. This is a self-extracting file containing 27 files. Click "setup.exe" after extraction to run the install shield.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2932064 08-17-00 17:17 USBDRVS.ZIP 1435628 08-04-00 15:05 data2.cab 560096 08-04-00 15:05 data1.cab 370176 03-28-00 15:42 HCFUSB.SYS 280588 03-28-00 15:36 UWIN98AC.VXD 256259 11-12-99 17:50 ikernel.ex_ 158768 03-28-00 11:47 HCFCSA.DLL 139264 03-28-00 11:29 UINSTAPI.DLL 139264 03-28-00 11:27 HCFREADR.DLL 133031 08-04-00 13:02 setup.inx 106496 03-28-00 11:26 HCFCSA32.DLL 163 08-04-00 15:05 Setup.ini 96171 03-28-00 15:45 UROKV42.VXD 61440 03-28-00 11:22 USBUNIST.EXE 35840 11-03-99 12:53 Setup.exe 32791 08-04-00 12:54 cxt1253_w2k.inf 24576 07-17-00 11:17 ModfyReg.exe 19193 08-04-00 15:05 data1.hdr 17958 08-03-00 10:57 cxt1253.inf 16327 03-28-00 15:51 UHCFENUM.VXD 15371 01-04-99 13:03 TURBOVCD.VXD 11860 03-28-00 15:45 UROKKMOS.VXD 10624 01-04-99 13:03 TURBOVBF.VXD 5829 03-28-00 15:44 USBDPAL.VXD 3912 08-03-00 10:50 cxt1253m.inf 444 08-04-00 15:05 layout.bin 103838 05-17-00 15:30 cxt1253.cty -------- ---- 6967971 27 files

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