12 Mar 2025


Acer Veriton 5100 Modem Driver

Company: Acer
Model: Veriton 5100
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ambtvt9x.exe


Acer Veriton 5100 Driver. This self extracting file contains the drivers for the CXT 1033 HCF PCI (Ambit) 56k modem for Windows 95 and Windows 98. Download this file to your hard drive, then click on ambtvt9x.exe to copy the files to the C:\Acer\Drivers\Modems\ambit folder. See the readme.txt file in that folder for instructions on loading the drivers.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 340268 03-17-00 12:42 DPAL.VXD 11309 05-11-00 12:51 1033166m.cat 119648 07-08-00 17:54 cxt1033.cty 20683 07-10-00 18:08 cxt1033.inf 20724 08-16-00 11:25 cxt1033.zak 3896 06-30-00 18:05 cxt1033m.inf 3937 08-16-00 11:26 cxt1033m.zak 6194 03-17-00 12:36 detect.vxd 10206 05-11-00 12:51 1033166.cat 158768 03-17-00 12:34 HCFCSA.DLL 106496 03-17-00 12:35 hcfcsa32.dll 24679 03-17-00 12:37 HCFPNP.VXD 139264 03-17-00 12:35 hcfreadr.dll 69632 03-17-00 12:35 infunist.exe 139264 03-17-00 12:36 Instapi.dll 4689 01-30-01 17:38 readme.txt 11380 03-17-00 12:43 ROKKMOSD.VXD 96249 03-17-00 12:38 ROKV42.VXD 10624 03-17-00 12:39 turbovbf.vxd 15371 03-17-00 12:39 turbovcd.vxd 367212 03-17-00 12:50 WIN95AC.VXD -------- ---- 1680493 21 files

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