28 Feb 2025


3Com 3C822 Modem Driver

Company: 3Com
Model: 3C822
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 3c822-de.zip


3Com 3C822 Driver. Manufacturer 3Com/US Robotics

Device ISDN Internal PnP

3C822 (not for TA or Sportster)

OS Win95, 98, NT

Filename 3c822-de.zip

Filesize 1995 kb.

Unzip file and you will have a readme.txt (german) and a exe file. The txt file is in German but the

drivers contained within the exe are all in English and will work just fine. When you launch the exe file it will create a folder on your c drive named 3comxxxx and will contain sub-folders. All the readme and help files are in English too. Use this

folder to install the drivers from. These drivers won't fit a 1.44 mb floppy so that's the reason it

writes them to your hard drive.

Downloaded from



File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1239 12-04-98 19:37 readme.txt 2058752 12-04-98 19:44 3C822-de.exe -------- ------- 2059991 2 files

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