12 Mar 2025


Atech ATS-256 Modem Driver

Company: Atech
Model: ATS-256
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: IS560LK


Atech ATS-256 Driver. ok check it out ,this is a hard ass modem to get drivers for there are a lot of them but mine has a Luncent chip on it ,now if you go to actiontec site, you will then go to the download support and check the internal modem V9.0, once your in there you can download the first file which is a file made to recognize your modem ,for mine thats all i had to do ,this was a zip file ,after i download it , unzip it ,then stop using any other programs and let the computer configure your modem by letting it know that u have a disk in drive A then the cpu will configure it 4u and change the dialing properties to up to 5600bps and wolla just like that ,i was rolling this took me a long time ,but thanks to driver guide,and the person who found drivers in actiontec ,prior to me ! thanx Rick
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