12 Mar 2025


CIS Technology WS-5614UVSAG Modem Driver

Company: CIS Technology
Model: WS-5614UVSAG
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: UVS_W9x_2.8.zip


CIS Technology WS-5614UVSAG Driver. V.90/V.92 Modem

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 21504 06-19-00 16:27 PegasUSB_MV_NC.dll 305664 06-19-00 16:27 GRXTest.exe 47190 06-19-00 16:27 mdmmtl.tpl 35 06-19-00 16:27 MDMSLUSB.CAT 79849 06-19-00 16:26 mtlfax.vx_ 47024 06-19-00 16:26 mtlhal.vx_ 33917 06-19-00 16:26 mtlmdm.vx_ 17208 06-19-00 16:26 mtlport.vx_ 664648 06-19-00 16:27 mtlstrm.vx_ 10666 06-20-00 19:08 changes.txt 6554 06-19-00 16:27 readme.txt 967 06-19-00 16:26 RMDRV.PIF 96438 06-19-00 16:27 slagree.ex_ 98069 06-19-00 16:26 slclean.ex_ 1556 06-19-00 16:27 Slclean.ini 128751 06-19-00 16:27 slcpappl.cp_ 5036 06-19-00 16:27 slcpappl.hl_ 1088 06-19-00 16:21 SLCustom.txt 104352 06-19-00 16:27 slextspk.dl_ 9337 06-19-00 16:27 slld.vx_ 160685 06-19-00 16:27 sllights.ex_ 3961 06-19-00 16:27 sllights.ini 101367 06-19-00 16:27 slnt7554.sy_ 15744 06-19-00 16:27 SLUSBCFG.dll 18298 06-19-00 16:27 slv7554.vx_ 34767 06-19-00 16:27 smcfg.ex_ 25744 06-19-00 16:27 UHCD.PAT 76701 06-19-00 16:27 usb_cpl.dl_ 218483 06-19-00 16:27 v90drv.vx_ 46715 06-27-00 11:56 Mdmslusb.inf 2917 06-27-00 11:56 serwsl.inf 3514 06-27-00 11:56 st7554.inf 1944 06-27-00 11:57 uvs.slc -------- ---- 2390693 33 files

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