28 Feb 2025


US Robotics USR SP 33600 winmodem Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: USR SP 33600 winmodem
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: win336ISA.zip


US Robotics USR SP 33600 winmodem Driver. Was looking for a driver for USR SP 33600 winmodem PC DFVP - the one listed on Driverguide didn't work so i went looking for another.

This one works (on win me) and modem is detected as a sportster.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 36330 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.CP_ 21648 12-12-96 16:05 CTL3DV2.DLL 30560 12-12-96 16:05 INSTALL.EXE 320 06-26-97 16:22 README.TXT 3134 12-12-96 16:05 SETUP.INF 3923 10-04-96 14:38 TURBOVBF.VX_ 9435 10-04-96 14:43 TURBOVCD.VX_ 3918 02-11-97 19:04 TVBF311.38_ 8087 02-11-97 19:04 TVCD311.38_ 212516 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.38_ 59007 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.BM_ 154030 10-28-96 17:35 usr.hlp 9659 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.DR_ 26416 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.EX_ 2051 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.INF 309428 12-12-96 16:05 WINMODEM.VX_ 2505 12-12-96 16:05 WMAUDIO.38_ 55261 12-12-96 16:05 WMCONFIG.EX_ 85456 12-12-96 16:05 WMDIAG.EXE 170032 12-12-96 16:05 WMINSTAL.DLL 56908 09-05-97 16:46 WMMODEM.INF 112923 12-12-96 16:05 WMOVL.38_ 3203 09-05-97 16:49 WMPORT.INF 29846 12-12-96 16:05 WMUNINST.EX_ 1107 09-26-97 12:36 wmwave.inf 43918 12-12-96 16:05 WMMODEM.IN~ 35 12-12-96 16:29 !DSK_ID 2960 12-12-96 16:05 WMPORT.IN~ -------- ---- 1454616 28 files

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