23 Feb 2025


Diamond Multimedia Supraexpress 336iSP, 336iSP+, 336SVD Modem Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: Supraexpress 336iSP, 336iSP+, 336SVD
Operating System: All Windows Versions (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Supraexpress336.zip


Diamond Multimedia Supraexpress 336iSP, 336iSP+, 336SVD Driver. [Modem50.NoResDup] SupraExpress 336e Sp ASVD (Domestic)


[Modem49.PosDup] Supra 336i Sp Intl


[Modem48.PosDup] Supra 336i Sp+ Intl



File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 26646 07-22-97 11:23 Others/mdmsup56.inf 29424 03-27-97 05:52 Others/MDMISUPV.INF 18129 12-05-96 02:38 Others/mdmsupr4.inf 66480 04-04-97 01:30 Others/MSETUP.EXE 4492 04-02-97 10:36 Others/MSETUP.TXT 2844 04-03-97 05:54 Others/SUP_IWAV.INF 2785 04-22-97 09:35 Others/supwav56.inf 0 02-13-98 10:20 Others/ 14778 10-23-96 08:12 espanol/Normalizaciones para fax y datos .txt 37529 01-02-97 17:24 espanol/Resolución de problemas .txt 0 02-10-97 15:16 espanol/ 42223 10-22-96 04:05 francais/Resoudre les problemes.txt 15985 10-23-96 07:44 francais/Standards de transmission .txt 0 02-10-97 15:16 francais/ 39939 11-04-96 06:41 italiano/Risolvere eventuali problemi.txt 15431 10-23-96 07:55 italiano/Standard per fax e per dati.txt 0 02-10-97 15:16 italiano/ 15188 11-29-96 09:57 deutsch/Fax und Datenstandards.txt 41717 11-29-96 10:29 deutsch/Problemlösung.txt 0 02-10-97 15:17 deutsch/ 18129 12-05-96 10:38 mdmsupr4.inf 38533 12-20-96 11:02 mdmsupv9b.inf 60384 10-31-96 08:55 Msetup.exe 4677 11-29-96 07:22 MSETUP.TXT 34077 10-08-96 05:12 pnpfaq.txt 3159 12-20-96 11:06 sup_wav9b.inf 20728 10-11-96 08:10 SVDFAQ.TXT -------- ------- 553277 27 files

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