9 Mar 2025


Viking Components 56K USB Modem Driver

Company: Viking Components
Model: 56K USB
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: vik-56k-usb-9x.zip


Viking Components 56K USB Driver. First, unzip the file, you will now have an EXE (drivers) and a PDF file (manual).

Windows 95(OSR2) & 98 Modem Drivers

The following is the latest modem driver that you need to use Viking 56K USB Modem.

After unziping the file, double click on the exe file and expand it to a floppy disk.

Detailed instructions with screen shots can be found in the Quick Installation Guide

282avci.pdf, also included.

Viking 56K USB Modem (Win 95(OSR2), 98) - winusb.exe

Also Includes

Instructions on how to install and configure the Viking 56K USB modem into your system. This guide covers systems using Windows 95 (OSR2) & 98. A quick version of the Viking 56K USB User's Guide 282aVCI.PDF

Downloaded from


File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 174087 01-28-01 11:13 Modems/Viking/56K-USB/winusb.exe 364193 01-28-01 11:18 Modems/Viking/56K-USB/281aVCI.pdf -------- ------- 538280 2 files

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