12 Mar 2025


Zoom 470 Modem Driver

Company: Zoom
Model: 470
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 470.zip


Zoom 470 Driver. Zoom Telephonics Fax/Modem Driver for V34X model 470 external modem; although it is for Windows95, I've successfully used it repeatedly with both Windows98 and Windows XP Home Edition. Every time I've had a modem quit working {both external and internal} I've had to drag 'old faithful' out of the closet for a while and it works like a charm. With this driver installed, I can hardly tell the difference on internet speed between this antique and some generic 56k modems!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 478476 10-05-04 19:20 UNIMODV_and_more/UNIMODV.EXE 498292 10-05-04 19:24 UNIMODV_and_more/zoominf.exe 41869 10-05-04 19:24 UNIMODV_and_more/MDMZOOM.INF 2208 10-05-04 19:24 UNIMODV_and_more/ZOOMSRWV.INF -------- ---- 1020845 4 files

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