12 Mar 2025


Hyperion Micro Systems Netcruiser 56k External Modem (USB) Modem Driver

Company: Hyperion Micro Systems
Model: Netcruiser 56k External Modem (USB)
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ncextu98.zip


Hyperion Micro Systems Netcruiser 56k External Modem (USB) Driver. Modem Driver for Netcruiser 56Kbps USB Modem . Found at WWW.hyperionmicro.com.au/support/modem.html
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 22722 02-10-00 23:58 CXT1232.CTY 24082 03-10-00 23:54 CXT1232.INF 4043 11-11-99 04:37 CXT1232M.INF 2042 09-16-99 05:13 CXT1232W.INF 14318 11-11-99 03:06 cxt1252.cty 23911 11-11-99 03:37 cxt1252.inf 4043 11-11-99 04:00 cxt1252m.inf 2042 09-16-99 05:13 cxt1252w.inf 6194 04-13-99 04:41 DETECT.VXD 158576 11-12-99 02:36 HCFCSA.DLL 106496 11-12-99 02:02 HCFCSA32.DLL 139264 11-12-99 02:05 HCFREADR.DLL 364544 11-12-99 02:12 HCFUSB.SYS 10624 01-05-99 00:03 TURBOVBF.VXD 15371 01-05-99 00:03 TURBOVCD.VXD 16271 11-12-99 02:16 UHCFENUM.VXD 139264 11-12-99 02:04 UINSTAPI.DLL 11860 11-12-99 02:15 UROKKMOS.VXD 96171 11-12-99 02:15 UROKV42.VXD 5829 11-12-99 02:15 USBDPAL.VXD 61440 11-12-99 02:06 USBUNIST.EXE 274944 11-12-99 02:15 UWIN98AC.VXD -------- ------- 1504051 22 files

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