8 Sep 2024


Other Companies U530 Modem Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: U530
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)


File: NVTL_U530.exe


Other Companies U530 Driver. Driver for Novatel Merlin U530 UMTS Card. Hard to find (this one is from T-Mobile Germany's site)
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 479 05-06-04 17:28 FILE0005.DAT 34304 09-28-01 19:01 PROGRESS.DLL 164864 09-28-01 19:00 WISE0001.DLL 15990 05-06-04 17:28 FILE0001.DAT 590 05-06-04 17:28 FILE0002.DAT 7188 02-16-04 14:12 NVTL_UMTS_PARENT.INF 4931 02-16-04 14:17 NVTL_UMTS_CHILD0.INF 7126 02-16-04 14:22 NVTL_UMTS_CHILD1.INF 8626 02-16-04 14:27 NWTUMTS.CAT 45056 02-16-04 14:37 NWTSETUP.DLL 200704 05-06-04 17:16 LOADER.DLL 229376 05-06-04 17:17 NWTGATEWAYDLL.DLL 208 02-16-04 14:42 NWTGATEWAYCONFIG.INI 15990 05-06-04 17:28 FILE0003.DAT 79686 05-06-04 17:28 FILE0004.DAT -------- ---- 815118 15 files

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