28 Feb 2025


US Robotics 3CP263594A Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: 3CP263594A
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 3594-win2k.exe


US Robotics 3CP263594A Driver. Chip AD1807JS. Let W2K detect the board, install the drivers using control pannel,System, hardware... Don't try to 'add the modem', it will not work. Good Luck!
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 28014 08-09-00 14:12 3crtos.dl_ 164864 08-09-00 14:13 3c1807.sy_ 54058 08-09-00 14:11 3c1807pd.sy_ 18102 08-09-00 14:11 3c1807vp.dl_ 23009 08-09-00 14:12 3ccntry.dl_ 39987 08-09-00 14:12 3cdp1807.dl_ 146165 08-09-00 14:12 3cdte.dl_ 42245 08-09-00 14:12 3cfax.dl_ 21822 08-09-00 14:12 3clbv.dl_ 49152 08-09-00 14:12 3cmlink.exe 15098 09-07-00 15:18 1807Wm2k.cat 20224 08-09-00 14:12 3csdpi.dl_ 69702 08-09-00 14:12 3cshtdwn.exe 18628 08-09-00 14:12 3csvpi.dl_ 48693 08-09-00 14:11 3cv42.dl_ 22965 08-09-00 14:13 3cv80.dl_ 19715 08-09-00 14:13 3cvoice.dl_ 21372 08-09-00 14:13 3cwdmco.dl_ 135168 07-07-00 15:32 cwcid1.exe 1291 08-09-00 14:13 gvadwmdm.cnt 179950 08-09-00 14:13 gvadwmdm.hlp 16936 08-22-00 16:26 mdm3cpci.inf 4423 08-09-00 14:14 oslib.sy_ 61510 08-09-00 14:14 probedis.exe -------- ------- 1223093 24 files

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