12 Mar 2025


Jet-Way 1456HSF Modem Driver

Company: Jet-Way
Model: 1456HSF
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: HSFWIN2K.zip


Jet-Way 1456HSF Driver. Unmarked modem with Rockwell Chipset - (PCI single-chip) RS56/SP-PCI R6793-11. After two days of searching and a process of elimination, I found out that my modem is a Jetway 1456HSF. Another two days of trying to gain access to the Jetway web site. Finally downloaded these drivers for the *HSF* version at 500 bytes a second.

My modem now works. YES!!!!!

I have also uploaded the 95/98 version of the drivers to this site.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 95829 01-27-00 13:06 NT52015.inf 9820 07-12-99 13:31 hsfinst.dll 30190 10-21-99 13:06 NT52013.inf 31520 09-01-99 19:42 RKSAMPLE.SYS 32868 10-21-99 13:06 NT52014.inf 33984 10-21-99 10:36 NT52016.inf 47456 08-03-99 23:37 TonesNT.sys 49824 09-03-99 11:21 BASIC2.SYS 61829 01-27-00 11:21 CNXStd.cty 71520 08-03-99 23:43 SpkpNT.sys 27 05-18-99 02:07 Win2k.cat 134912 09-01-99 19:11 AmosNT.sys 153120 10-21-99 10:10 FSKsNT.sys 205536 08-03-99 23:39 FaxNT.sys 291840 08-03-99 23:37 Fallback.sys 351232 09-01-99 19:48 WINACHSF.SYS 394592 08-03-99 23:42 K56NT.sys 450592 10-21-99 10:14 V124NT.sys 798208 06-30-98 00:08 csacpl.cpl -------- ------- 3244899 19 files

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