28 Feb 2025


Conexant Conexant SoftK56 Data Fax PCI Modem HSF SoftK56 V_B2.1_V2.13. Modem Driver

Company: Conexant
Model: Conexant SoftK56 Data Fax PCI Modem HSF SoftK56 V_B2.1_V2.13.
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ConK56.exe


Conexant Conexant SoftK56 Data Fax PCI Modem HSF SoftK56 V_B2.1_V2.13. Driver. Driver files updated to version 2.13.06 for Conexant chips used in HSF modems by various companys.Internal MODEM and HSFMODEM(enumerator)Both parts,one modem.Executable zip format drops the files in C \ConK56 by default or can change it.Just point the install or update to that folder(see readme included)I am using it on an HP Pavilion with Riptide Chameleon Combocard My best connection and thoughput so far.Good luck
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2714 03-28-01 02:29 D215DT9a.inf 67267 03-20-01 22:00 BASIC2.VXD 81426 03-28-01 02:27 CNXStd.cty 157879 03-20-01 22:00 AMOS.VXD 21593 03-28-01 01:15 D215DTxa.inf 323803 03-20-01 22:00 FALLBACK.VXD 210600 03-20-01 22:00 FAX.VXD 102583 03-20-01 22:00 FSKS.VXD 155232 03-20-01 22:00 hcfcsa.dll 127488 03-20-01 22:00 hcfcsa32.dll 18622 03-20-01 22:00 hcfpnp.vxd 167936 03-20-01 22:00 hcfreadr.dll 51712 09-07-99 05:53 infunist.exe 413868 03-20-01 22:00 k56.vxd 138240 03-20-01 22:00 modctrl.dll 13001 03-20-01 22:00 modctrl.vxd 37583 03-20-01 22:00 rksample.vxd 17012 03-20-01 22:00 ROKKMOSD.VXD 97817 03-20-01 22:00 rokv42.vxd 57534 03-20-01 22:00 TONES.VXD 10624 03-20-01 22:00 turbovbf.vxd 15371 03-20-01 22:00 turbovcd.vxd 497847 03-20-01 22:00 V124.VXD 474240 03-20-01 22:00 win95ac.vxd 5069 03-31-01 02:36 readme.txt -------- ------- 3267061 25 files

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