12 Mar 2025


BCM Modem Driver

Company: BCM
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: BCMModemDriver.exe


BCM Driver. hey, guys this is the BCM modem v.90 56k driver which I found in the compaq's site. it's actually the Windoes Me driver. and it works fine under my Chinese version of Windows Me.the only thing u have to do is double click it to install the driver. sometimes it will have an erroe says "can't read modem model" or something like that. just click OK. if it passes and says(MUST SAY) windows find new hardware BCM v.90 56k modem bla bla then it mean u can hook up the internet now. if it DOESN'T say this then u have to reinstall it.If it doesnt work the 1st thime then you need to try few more times. I TRIED 4 TIMES!!! good luck
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