Model: 33.6/56K x2 winmodem
Operating System: Windows 95 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)
File: win9x90b.exe
US Robotics 33.6/56K x2 winmodem Driver. It took me all day to find this upgrade for x2 to v90. I finally found it deep in Dell Support. Not to be confused with win9x90a.exe which did not work for me although the description said that it would. I think that the A version applies to europe and the B version applies to Ireland.
File Contents: Length Date Time Name
-------- ---- ---- ----
230912 06-16-98 18:47 Cleanwm.exe
24767 05-08-98 15:54 WMold.dl_
4484 05-08-98 15:54 Wmldr.vx_
27700 05-08-98 15:54 Wmexe.ex_
47477 05-11-98 20:01 wmdll.dl_
2560 05-08-98 15:54 Wmaudio.vx_
351551 05-08-98 15:54 Winmodem.vx_
59820 07-09-98 11:42 winmodem.inf
9435 07-17-97 10:01 turbovcd.vx_
3923 07-17-97 10:01 turbovbf.vx_
666 07-07-98 14:54 Mdminfo.ini
22016 03-20-98 10:56 Deleteme.exe
1120 07-09-98 11:38 wmwave.inf
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786431 13 files