12 Mar 2025


Well FM-56USB-ST Modem Driver

Company: Well
Model: FM-56USB-ST
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: fm-56usb-st-w98.zip


Well FM-56USB-ST Driver. This is the Windows 98 driver for Well Modem brand, model FM-56USB-ST External (Small) modem.

Download site


Original filename is win98.zip but there is so many other files here with that name I changed it to the above. None of the other files (win98.exe) are for this modem.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 09-06-99 13:56 V25/ 66283 06-17-99 19:26 V25/k56drv.vx_ 43063 06-19-99 14:30 V25/Mdmslusb.inf 79007 06-17-99 19:26 V25/mtlfax.vx_ 46269 06-17-99 19:26 V25/mtlhal.vx_ 29975 06-17-99 19:26 V25/mtlmdm.vx_ 12550 06-17-99 19:26 V25/mtlport.vx_ 636544 06-17-99 19:26 V25/mtlstrm.vx_ 4434 06-17-99 19:26 V25/readme.txt 967 06-17-99 19:26 V25/RMDRV.PIF 3014 06-17-99 19:27 V25/serwsl.inf 96438 06-17-99 19:26 V25/slagree.ex_ 111616 06-17-99 19:26 V25/slclean.ex_ 1258 06-17-99 19:27 V25/slclean.ini 103558 06-17-99 19:27 V25/slextspk.dl_ 8868 06-17-99 19:26 V25/slld.vx_ 150010 06-17-99 19:26 V25/sllights.ex_ 96401 06-17-99 19:27 V25/slnt7554.sy_ 15536 06-17-99 19:27 V25/SLUSBCFG.dll 17910 06-17-99 19:27 V25/slv7554.vx_ 3849 06-17-99 19:26 V25/smcfg.ex_ 13810 06-17-99 19:26 V25/smproppg.dl_ 2981 06-19-99 14:31 V25/st7554.inf 25744 06-17-99 19:26 V25/UHCD.PAT 147760 06-17-99 19:26 V25/v90drv.vx_ -------- ------- 1717845 25 files

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