12 Mar 2025


Modular Technology 560 USB External Modem Driver

Company: Modular Technology
Model: 560 USB External
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 2_7usb.exe


Modular Technology 560 USB External Driver. Windows 98 Driver V90/K56 USB modem Ver 2.7 (updated 18/01/2000) for Modulartech USB external modem model 560

Filename 2_7usb.exe

Filesize 1829 kb.

To install these new drivers

Download and unzip to a new directory called USB. File Contents:

Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 79262 12-02-99 18:32 mtlfax.vx_ 66253 02-03-99 18:41 k56drv.vx_ 46328 12-02-99 18:33 mdmmtl.tpl 35 12-02-99 18:32 MDMSLUSB.CAT 46176 12-12-99 17:30 Mdmslusb.inf 305664 12-02-99 18:32 GRXTest.exe 46388 12-02-99 18:32 mtlhal.vx_ 30943 12-02-99 18:32 mtlmdm.vx_ 17233 12-02-99 18:32 mtlport.vx_ 649482 12-02-99 18:32 mtlstrm.vx_ 4726 12-02-99 18:32 readme.txt 967 12-02-99 18:32 RMDRV.PIF 2862 12-12-99 17:30 serwsl.inf 96438 12-02-99 18:32 slagree.ex_ 111314 12-02-99 18:32 slclean.ex_ 1358 12-12-99 17:30 slclean.ini 98900 12-02-99 18:32 slcpappl.cp_ 94458 12-02-99 18:32 slextspk.dl_ 9337 12-02-99 18:32 slld.vx_ 154296 12-02-99 18:32 sllights.ex_ 3961 12-02-99 18:32 sllights.ini 100388 12-02-99 18:32 slnt7554.sy_ 15824 12-02-99 18:32 SLUSBCFG.dll 17952 12-02-99 18:32 slv7554.vx_ 26591 12-02-99 18:32 smcfg.ex_ 3102 12-12-99 17:30 st7554.inf 25744 12-02-99 18:32 UHCD.PAT 76705 12-02-99 18:32 usb_cpl.dl_ 24064 12-02-99 18:32 USB_MV.dll 175443 12-02-99 18:32 v90drv.vx_ -------- ------- 2332194 30 files

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