5 Feb 2025


Zoltrix hsp 336 deluxe modem Modem Driver

Company: Zoltrix
Model: hsp 336 deluxe modem
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: zltrx.zip


Zoltrix hsp 336 deluxe modem Driver. the driver came in a floppy with the pc (i guess whit the modem) there are instructions inside (read first.txt) you must put the content of the driver file inside a floppy (esta tambien en español )any extra info feel free to email me i will try to help you
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 07-03-01 12:05 the driver/ 20606 07-25-96 16:02 the driver/Ptserial.pnp2 3291 02-29-96 16:25 the driver/Ptrtkr.drv2 20890 06-06-96 16:24 the driver/Ptvcd.vxd2 0 07-03-01 12:05 the driver/CYRIX/ 265308 08-12-96 19:34 the driver/CYRIX/VPCTCOM.386 19770 08-01-96 13:21 the driver/CYRIX/MDMCHIPV.INF 1388 08-02-96 15:41 the driver/CYRIX/PCTWAVE.INF 20890 06-06-96 16:24 the driver/CYRIX/PTVCD.VXD 22176 05-08-96 19:34 the driver/CYRIX/PCEYE.EXE 6592 05-28-96 11:08 the driver/CYRIX/PTRTSYC.DLL 4658 01-03-96 15:37 the driver/CYRIX/RELEASE.TXT 20606 08-12-96 18:41 the driver/CYRIX/PTSERIAL.VXD 59046 08-02-96 22:29 the driver/CYRIX/VVOICE.386 2845 06-11-96 18:25 the driver/CYRIX/PCTPORTS.INF 3291 02-29-96 16:25 the driver/CYRIX/PTRTKR.DRV 7296 05-15-96 14:20 the driver/CYRIX/PTSNOOP.EXE 265970 08-12-96 19:31 the driver/CYRIX/VMODEM.386 20606 08-12-96 18:41 the driver/CYRIX/PTSERIAL.PNP 16 01-02-96 00:10 the driver/CYRIX/PCEYE.POS 4658 01-03-96 15:37 the driver/Release2.txt 19770 08-01-96 13:21 the driver/Mdmchipv2.inf 1388 08-02-96 15:41 the driver/Pctwave2.inf 22176 05-08-96 19:34 the driver/Pceye2.exe 7296 05-15-96 14:20 the driver/Ptsnoop2.exe 16 01-02-96 00:10 the driver/Pceye.pos2 20606 07-25-96 16:03 the driver/Ptserial.vxd2 269554 08-02-96 12:03 the driver/Vmodem.3862 265308 08-02-96 18:39 the driver/Vpctcom.3862 59046 08-02-96 22:25 the driver/Vvoice.3862 6592 05-28-96 11:08 the driver/Ptrtsyc.dll2 2845 06-11-96 18:25 the driver/Pctports2.inf 799 07-03-01 12:34 read first lea primero .txt -------- ------- 1445299 33 files

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