5 Feb 2025


Rockwell Rockwell SoftK56 Data,Fax PCI Modem Modem Driver

Company: Rockwell
Model: Rockwell SoftK56 Data,Fax PCI Modem
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: modem.zip


Rockwell Rockwell SoftK56 Data,Fax PCI Modem Driver. It's not that hard to install this modem. All you hlaf to is, when you open up your modem list click add and click on have disk. Then find the file where it was installed, and then it'll bring up a list of modems,that are with the driver. Click on the one you wan't and install it. Does anyone have a rockwell Modem Driver compatible with Windows 2000. Who ever has can you send it to me. Who ever does with get something it return, and you'll like it and beyond.


Michael Kolk

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 0 07-10-01 23:20 modem/drivers/ 93696 07-13-98 20:49 modem/drivers/infunist.exe 34995 12-17-98 17:15 modem/drivers/BASIC2.VXD 225483 12-17-98 17:11 modem/drivers/FALLBACK.VXD 205980 12-17-98 17:18 modem/drivers/FAX.VXD 79507 12-17-98 17:13 modem/drivers/FSKS.VXD 135888 12-01-98 23:58 modem/drivers/hcfcsa.dll 127488 11-24-98 02:50 modem/drivers/hcfcsa32.dll 18538 12-15-98 12:32 modem/drivers/hcfpnp.vxd 161792 12-15-98 11:33 modem/drivers/hcfreadr.dll 34025 12-15-98 15:11 modem/drivers/HsfDF.inf 2477 07-16-98 14:14 modem/drivers/HsfDFen.inf 40638 12-28-98 15:18 modem/drivers/HsfDFS.inf 2618 07-16-98 14:37 modem/drivers/HsfDFSen.inf 36474 12-15-98 15:11 modem/drivers/HsfDFV.inf 2610 07-16-98 14:11 modem/drivers/HsfDFVen.inf 129715 12-17-98 17:14 modem/drivers/AMOS.VXD 395428 12-17-98 17:22 modem/drivers/k56.vxd 30720 12-15-98 11:28 modem/drivers/modctrl.dll 11457 12-17-98 17:24 modem/drivers/modctrl.vxd 28871 12-17-98 17:15 modem/drivers/rksample.vxd 17520 12-17-98 18:22 modem/drivers/ROKKMOSD.VXD 97281 12-08-98 10:35 modem/drivers/rokv42.vxd 71367 12-17-98 17:10 modem/drivers/spkphone.vxd 50330 12-17-98 17:16 modem/drivers/TONES.VXD 10572 12-01-97 14:53 modem/drivers/turbovbf.vxd 15214 12-03-97 09:56 modem/drivers/turbovcd.vxd 443027 12-17-98 17:35 modem/drivers/V124.VXD 1453 03-23-98 10:59 modem/drivers/wacwave.inf 400488 12-17-98 18:21 modem/drivers/win95ac.vxd 0 07-10-01 23:20 modem/ -------- ------- 2905652 31 files

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