12 Mar 2025


Smart Link Smart Link - HAMR 5600 Modem Driver

Company: Smart Link
Model: Smart Link - HAMR 5600
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: HAMR56-V2.84.01-MV-Win2K-US.zip


Smart Link Smart Link - HAMR 5600 Driver. Riser Modem on GIGABYTE GA7-ZX series motherboard. HAMR 5600 Modem but Smart Link Voice Modem. V 2.84.01.

Best WIN 2K driver I've found so far. Modem connects at 40K+ but throughput seems lousy so far. I'm still trying to tweak it.

Do an "AT+MS=?" since it doesn't follow the usual +MS format if you try tweaking it.

At one point I had to uninstall, shut down and REMOVE the modem and then power up and back down and reinstall before it would start working right.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 75465 12-13-00 22:24 amr_cpl.dl_ 22745 12-13-00 22:23 coinst.dl_ 34 12-13-00 22:24 mdmhamrw.cat 51925 12-13-00 22:25 mdmhamrw.inf 94100 12-13-00 22:23 mtlmnt5.sy_ 820614 12-13-00 22:23 mtlstrm.sy_ 167857 12-13-00 22:23 ntmtlfax.sy_ 9640 12-13-00 22:24 README.TXT 98069 12-13-00 22:23 slclean.ex_ 2002 12-13-00 22:24 Slclean.ini 145311 12-13-00 22:24 slcpappl.cp_ 5036 12-13-00 22:23 slcpappl.hl_ 104352 12-13-00 22:24 slextspk.dl_ 173745 12-13-00 22:23 sllights.ex_ 3961 12-13-00 22:23 sllights.ini 309992 12-13-00 22:24 slntamr.sys 92459 12-13-00 22:23 slnthal.sy_ 24588 12-13-00 22:23 slserv.ex_ 33028 12-13-00 22:24 SlWdmSup.sys 31882 12-13-00 22:24 smcfg.ex_ 321481 12-13-00 22:24 v90drv.sy_ -------- ------- 2588286 21 files

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