12 Mar 2025


Askey Computer V1456VQH-R7 Modem Driver

Company: Askey Computer
Model: V1456VQH-R7
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: r7209xConexantw-enumerator.zip


Askey Computer V1456VQH-R7 Driver. This almost killed me. If you are trying to install a Conexant internal modem and keep getting told that the PCI Communicating Device needs a driver, you may be near death's door, too. I FINALLY found that my modem was made by Askey (check Fcc id #- here's one place www.fcc.gov/oet/fccid/ and that they had my very specific model number (V1456VQH-R7) listed on their download page www.askey.com/html/mail2.htm . The file I downloaded (attached) installed the ESSENTIAL "enumerator" before installing my modem. WHY is there this superfluous, essential enumerator, whatever the heck it is? Because programmers are actually aliens sent ahead to destroy us mentally prior to invasion.
File Contents:
No file content information available at this time.

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