12 Mar 2025


NetComm U56SVP-AOHA Modem Driver

Company: NetComm
Model: U56SVP-AOHA
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5060_2000.zip


NetComm U56SVP-AOHA Driver. This is for anybody out there that is totally fustrated with trying to install their Rave 56K USB modem on Windows 2000! The driver files from Netcomm don't work. I changed one line in their Mdmntstm.inf file and it then worked! Hopefully you will find my edited installation files handy.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 22745 06-19-00 15:32 coinst.dl_ 34 06-19-00 15:32 Mdmntstm.CAT 46938 09-25-01 13:31 Mdmntstm.inf 92264 06-19-00 15:32 mtlmnt5.sy_ 811448 06-19-00 15:32 mtlstrm.sy_ 167731 06-19-00 15:32 ntmtlfax.sy_ 98069 06-19-00 15:32 slclean.ex_ 1944 06-19-00 15:32 Slclean.ini 128751 06-19-00 15:32 slcpappl.cp_ 5036 06-19-00 15:32 slcpappl.hl_ 104352 06-19-00 15:32 slextspk.dl_ 160685 06-19-00 15:32 sllights.ex_ 3961 06-19-00 15:32 sllights.ini 204408 06-19-00 15:32 slnt7554.sys 92254 06-19-00 15:32 slnthal.sy_ 24588 06-19-00 15:32 slserv.ex_ 33028 06-19-00 15:32 SlWdmSup.sys 34767 06-19-00 15:32 smcfg.ex_ 76701 06-19-00 15:32 usb_cpl.dl_ 316680 06-19-00 15:32 v90drv.sy_ -------- ------- 2426384 20 files

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