12 Mar 2025


Web Excel MD320 Modem Driver

Company: Web Excel
Model: MD320
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 5620.zip


Web Excel MD320 Driver. This driver came right off the CD that came with the modem. Seems to work OK. There are instances when it has trouble connecting, however. Need newer version of V.90 to flash the bios.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 159232 08-18-98 15:23 CLMCPL.CPL 29184 08-12-98 18:54 CLMHISTO.DOC 64512 08-18-98 15:26 CLMPANEL.EXE 1091 05-18-98 07:18 CLMPORT.INF 695568 08-18-98 15:27 CLMPORT.VXD 25756 05-18-98 07:47 CLMRMDEV.EXE 28672 08-18-98 15:12 CLMSCAN.EXE 1884 05-18-98 07:18 CLMSERWV.INF 20137 08-18-98 15:27 CLM_DBS.VXD 37888 08-18-98 15:13 COMFIX.EXE 4390 05-18-98 07:32 LICENSE.TXT 24766 08-05-98 13:54 MDMCLM.INF 6989 05-18-98 07:32 README.TXT 39424 06-09-98 15:09 VXREADME.DOC 156160 02-04-98 15:08 MD220V13.DOC 36814 07-02-96 17:49 MD220V13.TXT -------- ------- 1332467 16 files

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