12 Mar 2025


Hayes lucent venus modem Modem Driver

Company: Hayes
Model: lucent venus modem
Operating System: Windows 95 & Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 404.zip


Hayes lucent venus modem Driver. When Windows detects your modem, go to the area that allows you to pick your device--THEN go to "have disk" and pick the internal modem. You will have to re-boot for the modem to work
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 171313 01-26-98 14:29 setup.exe 213115 03-09-98 15:34 Hayes.hlp 32766 04-10-97 12:42 Hunter.hlp 96 04-03-97 09:54 hunter.ini 29048 04-14-97 16:05 Inetgde.hlp 56312 03-12-98 10:04 mdm47ac.inf 75136 05-16-95 18:26 MHCOM16T.DLL 58576 08-08-95 14:41 MHCOMM.VBX 22048 03-09-98 19:29 Netsonic.txt 2912 04-02-97 16:21 PortChk.dll 3759 12-31-97 10:36 readme.txt 1435 10-07-97 13:44 comport.txt 987 03-12-98 13:30 setup.ini 398416 08-23-94 00:00 VBRUN300.DLL 55905 12-30-97 19:35 WIZARD.EXE 12992 03-12-98 13:27 atcmds.txt 0 10-15-99 22:17 init.txt 16826 10-05-99 22:35 Hayes.GID -------- ------- 1151642 18 files

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