28 Feb 2025


US Robotics 00568700, 00568702, 00568703, 00568600, 00178600 Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: 00568700, 00568702, 00568703, 00568600, 00178600
Operating System: Windows 95b (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: mdm3com.exe


US Robotics 00568700, 00568702, 00568703, 00568600, 00178600 Driver. This is an executable zip file that can unzip onto a floppy. Works on most U.S. Robotics Data/Fax 33.6k and 56k modems bought between January 1996 to present except Winmodems.

In Control Panel, double click Modems and remove all U.S. Robotics modems. Restart your computer. When prompted, select "Change" or "Have Disk" and point the installation to the 3.5-inch disk. Select the appropriate model and then follow the prompts to finish the installation.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 58040 10-30-98 10:39 Mdmcrv90.inf 60079 10-30-98 10:40 MDMUSRIM.INF 1802 09-17-97 10:10 Usrwave.inf 53963 07-30-98 06:59 00568603.inf 53957 06-23-98 04:53 00568602.inf 55591 06-23-98 11:41 00568702.inf 34675 05-09-98 02:20 3com5605.inf 2401 04-17-98 12:00 3comwave.inf 1897 05-09-98 02:20 5605wave.inf 49419 05-29-98 10:51 Mdm3com.inf 51105 04-17-98 12:00 Mdm3comv.inf 54439 06-29-98 17:14 Mdmusrcr.inf 48339 09-17-97 17:23 Mdmusrsp.inf 44600 09-17-97 08:20 Mdmusrvi.inf 56490 09-17-97 11:11 Usrsp.inf 57879 09-17-97 10:10 Usrspv.inf 19352 06-29-98 15:55 00083908.inf 57497 02-01-99 20:55 Mdm56ocb.inf 19358 11-04-98 16:53 00083909.inf -------- ------- 780883 19 files

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