12 Mar 2025


Archtek Smartlink 56K usb (56UST) Modem Driver

Company: Archtek
Model: Smartlink 56K usb (56UST)
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ust_xp29203.zip


Archtek Smartlink 56K usb (56UST) Driver. Smartlink 56K USB (Archtek) external modem driver for Windows XP.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 34 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/Mdmntstm.CAT 68799 12-02-01 11:32 WinXP/Mdmntstm.inf 33028 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/SlWdmSup.sys 2007 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/Slclean.ini 22745 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/coinst.dl_ 98381 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/minirec.ex_ 103049 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/mtlmnt5.sy_ 879548 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/mtlstrm.sy_ 170599 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/ntmtlfax.sy_ 7795 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/readme.txt 29406 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/sl.ln_ 56566 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slclean.dl_ 112655 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slclean.ex_ 134653 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slcpappl.ch_ 245263 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slcpappl.cp_ 5036 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slcpappl.hl_ 99284 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slextspk.dl_ 182927 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/sllights.ex_ 208544 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slnt7554.sys 95309 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slnthal.sy_ 24588 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/slserv.ex_ 35454 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/smcfg.ex_ 76124 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/usb_cpl.dl_ 13355 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/usbuhci.sy_ 395849 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/v90drv.sy_ 18551 11-29-01 16:39 WinXP/winddx.sy_ 0 12-05-01 17:20 WinXP/ -------- ------- 3119549 27 files

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