28 Feb 2025


US Robotics 3595A-OEM Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: 3595A-OEM
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 3595a-2k.zip


US Robotics 3595A-OEM Driver. US Robotics 3CP263595A-OEM Win2k Driver
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 135168 09-06-00 16:40 cwcid1.exe 163796 09-07-00 15:13 3c1807.sy_ 54046 09-06-00 15:53 3c1807pd.sy_ 23008 09-06-00 16:08 3ccntry.dl_ 39989 09-06-00 18:44 3cdp1807.dl_ 146472 09-06-00 16:26 3cdte.dl_ 42260 09-06-00 16:19 3cfax.dl_ 21822 09-06-00 16:19 3clbv.dl_ 49152 09-06-00 16:28 3cmlink.exe 28099 09-06-00 15:56 3crtos.dl_ 20224 09-06-00 16:01 3csdpi.dl_ 69700 09-06-00 17:56 3cshtdwn.exe 18628 09-06-00 16:05 3csvpi.dl_ 48693 09-06-00 16:34 3cv42.dl_ 22965 09-06-00 16:35 3cv80.dl_ 21373 09-06-00 16:38 3cwdmco.dl_ 14270 10-11-00 23:54 1807Wm2k.cat 1097 10-12-00 11:01 files.txt 1177 05-08-00 18:39 gvadwmdm.cnt 167554 05-08-00 18:39 gvadwmdm.hlp 14745 09-08-00 11:37 mdm3cpci.inf 4417 09-06-00 18:02 oslib.sy_ 61508 09-06-00 18:06 probedis.exe -------- ------- 1170163 23 files

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