12 Mar 2025


Pine Group FM-3623 Modem Driver

Company: Pine Group
Model: FM-3623
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: es2838_wxp.zip


Pine Group FM-3623 Driver. Unzip this file to a folder on your computer.The setup file in it did not work for me,so I went to Start\Control Panel\Add New Hardware.I let XP look for a device that needed a driver.It found the modem,so I set the path to the folder where I had unzipped the file and XP took over from there and all was fine.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 1208588 09-27-01 11:51 WinXp/data1.cab 28962 09-27-01 11:51 WinXp/data1.hdr 512 09-27-01 11:51 WinXp/data2.cab 172 11-19-01 14:24 WinXp/DISKID 692092 10-25-01 15:22 WinXp/es56hpi.sys 168004 07-27-01 19:50 WinXp/esmdmset.exe 49152 10-19-01 10:49 WinXp/essspk.exe 340866 04-11-01 16:29 WinXp/ikernel.ex_ 435 09-27-01 11:51 WinXp/layout.bin 34390 10-22-01 17:33 WinXp/mdmZn.inf 49152 10-25-01 15:49 WinXp/remvess.exe 32768 07-27-01 19:50 WinXp/remvmod.exe 166912 04-11-01 19:07 WinXp/Setup.exe 331 09-27-01 23:50 WinXp/Setup.ini 180184 09-27-01 11:50 WinXp/setup.inx 9750 10-29-01 08:18 WinXp/slm.cat 0 11-26-01 19:31 WinXp/ -------- ------- 2962270 17 files

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