12 Mar 2025


Alcatel Alcatel SpeedTouch USB Modem Driver

Company: Alcatel
Model: Alcatel SpeedTouch USB
Operating System: Windows XP (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: alcatel.speedtouch.usbwin98winmewin2kwinxp1.4.zip


Alcatel Alcatel SpeedTouch USB Driver. Version 1.4

Windows XP

Windows 2000

Windows ME

Windows 98

Note This version does not prompt you for a previous installation like the drivers from the Alcatel website.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 10060 05-07-01 14:07 alcandis.inf 7207 05-07-01 14:07 alcandln.inf 9162 05-07-01 14:07 alcastw.inf 597776 10-03-01 10:10 data1.cab 14324 10-03-01 10:10 data1.hdr 1680629 10-03-01 10:10 data2.cab 4247552 10-03-01 10:09 dragdiag.exe 0 02-07-02 15:44 driver/ 4048 10-03-01 10:09 driver/alcacr95.sys 4000 10-03-01 10:09 driver/alcacrnt.sys 35984 10-03-01 10:10 driver/alcan5ln.sys 53920 10-03-01 10:10 driver/alcan5wn.sys 589776 10-03-01 10:09 driver/alcaudsl.sys 6112 10-03-01 10:09 driver/alcawh95.sys 5440 10-03-01 10:09 driver/alcawhnt.sys 5600 10-03-01 10:10 driver/stci.dll 23404 10-03-01 10:09 driver/valcacr.vxd 339565 10-05-00 20:01 ikernel.ex_ 0 02-07-02 15:43 images/ 494 10-03-01 10:10 layout.bin 279 12-06-00 13:05 phonebook.ini 54272 10-05-00 16:00 setup.exe 104 02-07-02 14:12 setup.ini 227958 10-03-01 10:10 setup.inx 2256896 10-03-01 10:09 stdialup.exe 0 02-07-02 15:44 tools/ 38462 10-03-01 10:10 tools/dm.exe 49152 10-03-01 10:09 tools/regutil.exe 33282 10-03-01 10:10 tools/scan.exe -------- ------- 10295458 29 files

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