12 Mar 2025


Smart Link Unknown HAMR56 Modem Driver

Company: Smart Link
Model: Unknown HAMR56
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: HAMR56-V2.90-MV-WIN9X.zip


Smart Link Unknown HAMR56 Driver. 1)Download the new driver and unzip it.

2) Select 'add/remover programs' from control panel, and remove the old

modem driver.

3) Restart the system.

4) When the system finds the modem (new HW, PCI card) point to the new


File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 75490 08-13-01 18:40 amr_cpl.dl_ 7550 08-13-01 18:39 commhoo1.vx_ 34 08-13-01 18:40 MDMSLAMR.CAT 64837 08-21-01 18:45 mdmslamr.inf 98381 08-13-01 18:39 minirec.ex_ 79888 08-13-01 18:39 mtlfax.vx_ 48717 08-13-01 18:39 mtlhal.vx_ 37035 08-13-01 18:39 mtlmdm.vx_ 17238 08-13-01 18:40 mtlport.vx_ 721978 08-13-01 18:40 mtlstrm.vx_ 12532 08-27-01 09:10 readme.txt 967 08-13-01 18:40 RMDRV.PIF 29406 08-13-01 18:40 sl.ln_ 110370 08-13-01 18:40 slamr.vx_ 1617 08-21-01 18:45 slamrwd.inf 56566 08-13-01 18:40 slclean.dl_ 112655 08-13-01 18:40 slclean.ex_ 3184 08-13-01 18:40 Slclean.ini 132780 08-13-01 18:40 slcpappl.ch_ 244247 08-21-01 17:58 slcpappl.cp_ 5036 08-13-01 18:40 slcpappl.hl_ 94375 08-13-01 18:40 slextspk.dl_ 9337 08-13-01 18:40 slld.vx_ 178766 08-13-01 18:40 sllights.ex_ 31882 08-13-01 18:40 smcfg.ex_ 278453 08-13-01 18:40 v90drv.vx_ 10986 08-13-01 18:40 windd.vx_ -------- ------- 2464307 27 files

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