28 Feb 2025


US Robotics 3CP263595 Modem Driver

Company: US Robotics
Model: 3CP263595
Operating System: Windows 2000 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 3595w2k.exe


US Robotics 3CP263595 Driver. This can be used to get your US ROBOTICS 56K Int Modem working. Use

this file to create a driver disk -

Win2000 will use the contents of the

disk when it initially detects your

modem for the first time, choosing the proper driver for you. Modem


File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 9205 11-30-99 15:34 1807Wm9x.cat 156545 11-09-99 09:57 3C1807.SY_ 52497 11-10-99 12:50 3C1807PD.SY_ 22289 11-09-99 09:57 3CCNTRY.DL_ 59773 11-09-99 09:57 3CDP1807.DL_ 144012 11-11-99 15:54 3CDTE.DL_ 41924 11-09-99 09:57 3CFAX.DL_ 21751 11-09-99 09:57 3CLBV.DL_ 81988 11-09-99 09:57 3CMLINK.EXE 32171 11-09-99 10:06 3CRTOS.DL_ 26335 11-09-99 10:06 3CSDPI.DL_ 69702 11-09-99 09:57 3CSHTDWN.EXE 18627 11-09-99 09:57 3CSVPI.DL_ 48262 11-09-99 09:57 3CV42.DL_ 22890 11-09-99 09:57 3CV80.DL_ 21128 11-09-99 09:57 3CWDMCO.DL_ 135168 11-09-99 09:57 CWCID1.EXE 949 11-09-99 09:57 GVADWMDM.CNT 89544 11-09-99 09:58 GVADWMDM.HLP 14483 11-09-99 10:01 MDM3CPCI.INF -------- ------- 1069243 20 files

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