12 Mar 2025


Billion cologne chip 2bdso isdn Modem Driver

Company: Billion
Model: cologne chip 2bdso isdn
Operating System: Not Specified (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: ISDNCologneChip.zip


Billion cologne chip 2bdso isdn Driver. hfc-s pci a

2bdso isdn

ccd 9914e

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 2753 05-29-98 17:24 CAPITASK.EX_ 7712 09-17-98 14:42 CAPI20.DLL 5252 09-22-98 09:18 CAPI2032.DL_ 9216 09-22-98 09:19 CAPI2032.DLL 4569 05-29-98 17:24 CAPI20.DL_ 15598 02-09-99 17:07 CAPIUNIN.EX_ 5194 06-24-99 19:55 ISDN-P.INF 477700 07-12-99 13:10 ISDN-P.SYS 28837 05-18-99 18:00 ISDNPROP.EX_ 214898 06-23-99 15:37 NTCAPI_P.SY_ 19 01-16-97 09:59 NTDRIVER.TAG 23158 04-16-99 14:59 NTWANMP.SY_ 53282 05-21-99 09:24 OEMSETNT.INF 919 02-09-98 16:03 SETUP.BAT 16 02-02-98 09:19 TMPSET.BA_ 52224 05-12-99 11:08 UNINSTAL.EXE 20110 03-23-99 10:56 VCAPID16.VXD 47520 06-24-99 09:02 WDMWANMP.SYS 41840 06-10-99 11:15 WINWANUI.DLL -------- ------- 1010817 19 files

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