12 Mar 2025


Other Companies teledat usb 2 ab Modem Driver

Company: Other Companies
Model: teledat usb 2 ab
Operating System: Windows ME (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: Teledat.zip


Other Companies teledat usb 2 ab Driver. additional software for Teledat USB 2/ab including fax etc for Win XP 2000 and 98
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 74324 03-19-02 17:29 Teledat/Uninst.isu 140800 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Uninst.dll 156672 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Setupdll.dll 2696 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Teldat32.tlb 118784 08-24-99 17:00 Teledat/TelVw32.exe 167936 09-02-99 11:23 Teledat/TelAdr32.exe 679936 08-24-99 13:57 Teledat/TelDat32.exe 1035 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Telekom.url 110592 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/TelSpl32.dll 483328 09-02-99 11:31 Teledat/TelFax32.exe 544768 09-07-99 11:02 Teledat/TelFon32.exe 241664 09-02-99 11:33 Teledat/TelJrn32.exe 90112 08-31-99 10:49 Teledat/TelSnd32.exe 270336 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/C62Dll.dll 180224 08-18-99 15:34 Teledat/TelVer32.exe 438272 09-02-99 11:20 Teledat/TelVox32.exe 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/ComAck/ 385024 09-02-99 11:30 Teledat/TelCom32.exe 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/ComErr/ 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/ComJob/ 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/ComRec/ 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/FaxRec/ 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/FaxSend/ 21504 09-06-99 16:47 Teledat/README.DOC 21820 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/ABSAGE.WAV 78358 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/ANSAGE.WAV 6306 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/AUFNAHME.WAV 36862 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Gut.wav 38598 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/NEUFAX.WAV 55354 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/RingIn.wav 49730 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/RingOut.wav 60220 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Fehler.wav 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/DATEN/ 2502 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/TELEADR.DBF 706 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Telempfj.dbf 354 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Telefon.dbf 706 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Telsendj.dbf 4096 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/TELEADR.MDX 10240 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/TELEMPFJ.MDX 10240 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/TELSENDJ.MDX 405 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/ACCESS.DBF 771 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/USER.DBF 4096 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/ACCESS.MDX 8192 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/USER.MDX 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/Vox/ 258 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Vox/Televox.dbf 6144 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/Vox/TeleVox.mdx 897 08-20-99 04:08 Teledat/tadress.cnt 876 08-30-99 14:49 Teledat/telecom.cnt 953 09-01-99 09:37 Teledat/teledat.cnt 1278 09-01-99 11:28 Teledat/teledata.cnt 991 08-30-99 14:50 Teledat/telefax.cnt 733 08-30-99 14:52 Teledat/televox.cnt 30315 09-01-99 11:55 Teledat/TeleAdr.hlp 39966 09-01-99 11:59 Teledat/TeleCom.hlp 18160 09-01-99 12:39 Teledat/Teledat.hlp 63119 09-01-99 12:28 Teledat/TeleData.hlp 62997 09-01-99 11:41 Teledat/TeleFax.hlp 36605 09-01-99 12:03 Teledat/TeleVox.hlp 920 08-31-99 09:47 Teledat/teleadr.cnt 1027 09-01-99 11:17 Teledat/TeleFon.cnt 43256 09-01-99 13:45 Teledat/TELEFON.HLP 0 03-19-02 17:28 Teledat/ -------- ------- 4806058 63 files

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