12 Mar 2025


Hayes Hayes 5654US V2.1.2.110 Modem Driver

Company: Hayes
Model: Hayes 5654US V2.1.2.110
Operating System: Windows 98SE (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: 56kv90.exe


Hayes Hayes 5654US V2.1.2.110 Driver. The Card I have is a Hayes 5654US FCC ID BFJUSA-32837-M5-E, It has two ROCKWELL Chips on it, The Larger one reads 11229-12, ROCKWELL 97, 9805 B52895.2, Hong Kong, the smaller second chip reads RLDL56DPF, R6785-62, Rockwell 97, 9812 B58008.3, HONG KONG. I had tryed serching every number and tryed literly every driver that came up, nothing worked! Finally I found this one, and Windows picked it automatically and the modem works like a charm! It said it would work for Windows 95b, and it works fine on Windows 98se, and I would imagine it would work with ME and possible 2k or XP, but I didn't try it there.
File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 169583 06-03-98 20:24 DPAL.VXD 4306 06-04-98 11:57 ACR8003M.INF 29549 06-17-98 09:47 ANX2103.INF 4551 06-09-98 16:39 ANX2103M.INF 28885 06-17-98 09:53 ACR8003.INF 7788 06-03-98 20:29 HCFAUDIO.VXD 48688 06-03-98 17:13 HCFCSA.DLL 15526 06-03-98 20:22 HCFPNP.VXD 32768 06-03-98 20:21 INFUNIST.EXE 29756 06-17-98 09:50 RKW0114.INF 4156 06-09-98 11:57 RKW0114M.INF 77600 06-03-98 20:22 ROKG729.VXD 16484 06-03-98 20:25 ROKKMOS.VXD 141313 06-03-98 20:22 ROKV42.VXD 28712 06-16-98 17:08 RSS8002.INF 4123 06-17-98 10:24 RSS8002M.INF 28712 06-16-98 17:08 RSS8003.INF 4123 05-18-98 01:11 RSS8003M.INF 10572 12-01-97 13:53 TURBOVBF.VXD 15214 12-03-97 08:56 TURBOVCD.VXD 2535 05-14-98 17:20 WACWAVE.INF 377492 06-03-98 20:29 WIN95AC.VXD 2300 01-06-99 17:07 README.TXT -------- ------- 1084736 23 files

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