7 Mar 2025


Diamond Multimedia SuperMAX PVI Modem Driver

Company: Diamond Multimedia
Model: SuperMAX PVI
Operating System: Windows 98 (Note: might work with other versions of this os.)

Driver Update

File: supramax56-2751_win98_173001.zip


Diamond Multimedia SuperMAX PVI Driver. This is the driver for modems with part number 2368001-003

Couldn't find it on their web site but tech support gave me an ftp address for this drive. They have specific drivers for different OS.

File Contents:
Length Date Time Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 12408 02-27-02 12:00 HCFKMOS.VXD 553404 02-27-02 12:00 DPAL.VXD 160320 02-27-02 11:52 HCFCSA.DLL 118784 02-27-02 11:52 hcfcsa32.dll 6194 04-12-99 17:41 detect.vxd 24179 02-27-02 11:54 HCFPNP.VXD 155648 02-27-02 11:52 hcfreadr.dll 107013 02-27-02 11:55 HCFV42.VXD 266240 02-07-02 12:00 hxfsetup.exe 151552 02-27-02 11:53 Instapi.dll 57344 10-22-01 14:37 MdmXSdk.dll 13948 10-22-01 14:39 MDMXSDK.VXD 12185 02-20-02 16:26 sup2751.cat 25000 04-05-02 15:36 sup2751.inf 7303 02-20-02 16:26 supwav.cat 2152 02-04-02 16:42 Supwav.inf 10624 01-04-99 13:03 turbovbf.vxd 15371 01-04-99 13:03 turbovcd.vxd 461432 02-27-02 12:05 WIN95AC.VXD 13238 02-20-02 16:26 winm2751.cat 5241 04-05-02 14:39 winm2751.inf 4386 04-18-02 09:33 readme.txt -------- ------- 2183966 22 files

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